These 3 Kellys

These 3 Kellys is comprised of a dad named Patrick, a mom named Courtney, and a 3 year old named Cailyn (kay-lin, no “t”!) who is desperately trying to get to age 10 because in her mind, that’s when she’s a grown-up.

Dad is a millwright by day and a woodworker all the time. He works out of his garage and acquires tools one by one; some purchased during Black Friday sales, some gifted to him. He’s always grateful and he always knows what’s worth spending money on and what isn’t. His wife admires his creativity. He does great work!

Mom is a former teacher. She became a stay-at-home-mom and now homeschools. She loves procrastinating by making lists (which she affectionately calls “virtuously planning”). She’s learned how to cook and bake. She loves Jesus, early mornings, new pens, new notebooks, and of course… books!

Mom has passed on her love of books to the littlest Kelly. The littlest Kelly is 3 years old. She loves her play kitchen, her play store, but her favorite toy is her Jesus doll. She loves her books more than her toys.

Patrick is working, Cailyn can’t write yet so that leaves me, Courtney. I started this blog because a few people encouraged my writing on Facebook. I turned 40 this year so I naturally started to wonder about what the next half of my life will look like. How do I preserve my memories? A blog seemed like a good idea for Future Cailyn. A blog is easier to keep up with and takes up less space than scrapbooks!

I don’t know what the niche will be yet, but I’ll find out as I write more. Thanks for reading!

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